Monday, March 8, 2010

Special Note From Our Prinicpal

Subject: Community Budget Meeting

The following is a copy of the Principal’s Message from The Connection:

CHETS CREEK NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! If Florida’s legislature proceeds with expected cuts to public school funding in the state we will face the bleakest year financially to date. I have worked aggressively over the past years to maintain funding for teachers and classrooms and have held the overhead expenses for our school to 12.52% of our operating budget. If we don’t get the attention of our representatives now, I may be charged with cutting 20% (a whopping 1 million dollars) from our school’s budget. The impact this could have would be devastating. Each call, letter or email to our legislators counts! Please join me and show your support by attending an important Community Meeting regarding the perilous budget condition we face in public education to be held at Sandalwood High School on Thursday at 6:00 PM. I look forward to seeing everyone there as we stand together to fight for funding for Florida’s schools.

I urge each of you to attend this Thursday’s meeting. We simply must get the attention of the media, the public and our legislators – the proposed cuts this year are significant and will have far reaching effect if we don’t take action now. They have asked that those attending make signs saying “Save Chets Creek” or “Save Duval Schools”. Bring your kids, neighbors, anyone who cares about public education! This community united is a force to be reckoned with!

Susan T. Phillips
Chets Creek Elementary

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